
How To Lose Weight On A Vegan Diet

How To Lose Weight On A Vegan Diet It’s a common misconception that people who eat vegan don’t have any issues with their weight. While it’s true that vegans tend to be healthier and slimmer than the average omnivore, the reason for this may be far more complex than simply eliminating animal products from one’s diet. Many people do lose weight when they first switch to a vegan diet. This is partially because cutting out meat and dairy eliminates a lot of our daily fat and calories, especially when replaced with fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. However, switching to a vegan diet also means cooking more at home and being more aware of what we are putting in our bodies — and mindfully eating clean, unprocessed foods is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Simply put, avoiding animal products alone isn’t enough to lose weight or guarantee maximum health. To lose weight with a vegan diet, you must maintain your protein intake, as well as consume enough fibre, ...

Protein Superfoods For Weight Loss

Protein Superfoods For Weight Loss We  have all heard that when you want to build lean muscle you have to eat a lot of protein. But do you know that it is equally important that you consume a significant amount of protein if you want to lose weight. More importantly, certain kinds of protein foods are more helpful in weight loss. In this article, we will talk about which of these protein superfoods for weight loss you should incorporate in your diet. You must be thinking how can protein help you in weight loss. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, foods high in protein keep you fuller longer and higher consumption of protein always leads to lower overall calorie consumption throughout the day. Secondly, your body burns both muscle and fat when you lose weight. You can minimize the muscle burn and maximize fat burn by consuming adequate amount of protein during this phase. Try these protein superfoods for weight loss: EGGS Eggs are one ...

6 Green Ingredients to Add to Your Diet to Get Sparkling Skin in No Time

Skin is the body's largest organ and a reflection of your health. You can use all the wonder creams in the world but you need to delve skin-deep to find the causes of your dull complexion, persistent spots or sensitivity flare-ups. Nutritional Therapist Eve Kalinik says in new book Plenish Juices to Boost, Cleanse & Heal that "often the symptoms of poor skin health can indicate a lack of nutrients or a struggling digestive system, such as absorption problems or an imbalance of beneficial 'good' bacteria in the digestive system .” She also explains that baddy bacteria can thrive when the body's natural slightly alkaline environment is altered – by acidity-forming foods like meat, dairy, alcohol and caffeine. While we're not taking this as a cue to completely cut them out, there are ways to stimulate and support detoxification by eating and drinking more of the right things. It's easy. Kara Rosen, author of the healthy handbook and cleans...
5 Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Ageing Skin Follow these tips to keep your skin looking young ​From the best anti-ageing supplements to the skincare routine you should adopt to prevent wrinkles, it can sometimes be hard to navigate the minefield of information we're bombarded with by the beauty industry.Doctors and dermatologists, however, have first-hand experience of the factors that can influence the composition and appearance of your skin, so we've sought their advice on the lifestyle changes you should adopt to stay looking young... 1. Choose your supplements wisely Collagen is important for building new skin, but many dermatologists are sceptical about collagen supplements, pointing out that simply swallowing the stuff doesn't necessarily mean it will be converted into a glowing complexion.Instead , cosmetic physician Dr Sabika Karim recommends focusing on supplementing your diet with amino acids, which are essential for your body to produce its ow...

4 Simple Tips to Double Your Weight Loss !

So easy, so effective! ​1. Eat more, eat right! It's very common to extend the time between two meals when we're trying to lose weight. However, it works against you because you tend to eat more  ​and  ​fast when super-hungry. Instead, try to eat something light and nutritious every couple of hours  Several studies show that eating a spicy hot appetizer before a meal curbs your appetite. Reason?Eating anything slowly gives your brain an impression that you are full. Also, spicy food contain chili pepper that's great for boosting metabolism. Alternatively, you can consume snacks that are rich in fiber (like sprouts, apples, berries, avocados, etc.). Eating high- fiber foods before a meal slashes calorie consumption as they fill you up quickly, making it difficult to overeat. ​ ​2. Do strength-training While exercises like aerobics and zumba are great for...
8 Things You Should Never Eat If You're Trying to Lose Weight "Low-fat" foods are actually your enemy. Lots of  experts say  it's stupid to forbid yourself from eating certain foods – that denying yourself something you really want to eat can ultimately lead to binge eating and eventual weight gain. So dessert isn't on this list — it's OK to indulge sometimes! But some foods really  do  deserve the axe — especially if you  are trying to lose weight . In which case, avoid these foods (when you can!) to fend off cravings and hunger, and support your efforts to slim down 1. Any Snack That Only Contains Carbs When you eat crackers, dry cereal, bread, or rice cakes alone, your body converts the carbs to simple sugars, and sends it directly into your blood stream. In response to the sugar rush, your body produces extra insulin, which helps your body absorb the sugar ASAP. The problem: You end up with low blood sugar and the same hunger pangs that le...

Are You Dehydrated? 8 Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water

  Intense thirst isn’t the only sign that you should drink more water. In fact, by the time you’re thirsty, you may have already entered into the dangerous territory of dehydration. Chronic dehydration could cause decreased kidney function, dizziness, and contribute to diseases, such as diabetes and, in the most severe cases, death.  Whoa!  Now that we’ve got your attention, do you need to increase your water intake? Well, here are eight signs of what could possibly happen if you aren't getting enough water. Water is essential to our survival—a basic need we all probably take for granted at some point in our day-to-day lives. Yet with a laundry list of its positive benefits, it’s still a challenge for us to drink the recommended allowance of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Drinking more water is not only good for our bodies, but for our minds, organs, skin, and muscles as well. If you’re experiencing any of these eight signs of dehydration, it may be time...