
Showing posts from November, 2016

6 Green Ingredients to Add to Your Diet to Get Sparkling Skin in No Time

Skin is the body's largest organ and a reflection of your health. You can use all the wonder creams in the world but you need to delve skin-deep to find the causes of your dull complexion, persistent spots or sensitivity flare-ups. Nutritional Therapist Eve Kalinik says in new book Plenish Juices to Boost, Cleanse & Heal that "often the symptoms of poor skin health can indicate a lack of nutrients or a struggling digestive system, such as absorption problems or an imbalance of beneficial 'good' bacteria in the digestive system .” She also explains that baddy bacteria can thrive when the body's natural slightly alkaline environment is altered – by acidity-forming foods like meat, dairy, alcohol and caffeine. While we're not taking this as a cue to completely cut them out, there are ways to stimulate and support detoxification by eating and drinking more of the right things. It's easy. Kara Rosen, author of the healthy handbook and cleans...