Importance of Sugar in the Human Body
Sugar has a poor reputation as being an enemy when it comes to creating a nutritious and well-balanced diet. The fact is, however, that you wouldn't be able to survive without sugar. Your body relies on small amounts of sugar to function properly. That doesn't mean that you have license to fill up on sugary foods, but it does mean that there is a place for small amounts of the right kinds of sugar in your healthy eating plan. Sugar for Energy Sugar provides energy to your muscles and acts as a source of energy for your brain and nervous system. You also need sugar because it helps metabolize fats and prevents your body from using protein as energy. Blood sugar -- called blood glucose -- gets broken down in a series of chemical reactions that create energy, which fuels your cells. A hormone called insulin is involved in the process, too -- it's released when you eat sugar and tells your cells to absorb the glucose so they can use it as a source of energy. Backu...