Quitting sugar could help you lose weight. You're willing to forgo the sodas and cookies for your waistline's sake, but will it make a difference? The answer is a solid maybe. Quitting refined sugars is an excellent move for your overall health, and if your total calorie intake decreases with the switch, you will lose weight. That said, if you replace your sugary snacks with potato chips and other calorie-dense foods, your won't shed a pound. Sugar and Weight Sugar is a type of carbohydrate, and contains 4 calories per gram. For the most part, a calorie is a calorie to your body no matter where it comes from. Although refined sugar does not directly cause weight gain, it can contribute to overeating. When you consume sugar, your blood glucose levels spike and then plummet, causing you to crave more food -- particularly more sugar for instant energy, perpetuating the cycle. Plus, you're more likely to over-indulge in sweet treats than healthier fare, and lar...