
Are there benefits to infused water or detox water or is it a gimmick?

No one would have imagined years ago that we would be paying for water by the bottle.  Drinking water straight from your tap was common place and all that anyone knew.  Fast forward to today and bottled water is all the rage.  While some people insist they can taste the difference from brand to brand, others opt for water with bubbles and others like it flat.  And to make this industry that much more interesting, artificially sweetened and flavored waters have also found a place on shelves everywhere.  Just when it seems this market is just about tapped out, there is a buzz about infused and detox water. What is all the fuss about bottled water? And really what is the truth about infused or detox water?  The importance of staying hydrated is nothing new to most people and the way to do this is to be sure to drink water.  For those who are exercising or playing intense sports, it can require even more work to stay hydrated. Your body use...

Do household chores, skip the gym

There's a  bright side to dreary chores, after all! Tracking 130,000 people in 17 countries, both rich and poor, a study found that whether it's going to the gym, walking to work, or tackling household chores like laundry or gardening, being physically active extends life and reduces illness. Researchers said that one in 12 global deaths over a five-year period can be prevented through 30 minutes of physical activity - which can include house-cleaning or walking to work -five days a week. "Being highly active (750 minutes a week) is associated with an even greater reduction," according to a study published in 'The Lancet' medical journal. The study "confirms on a global scale that physical activity is associated with a lower risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease", the authors said in a press statement. This was irrespective of which country the study participants came from, the type of activity, or whether it was undertaken for leisure...

Here are some fun workouts you need to try

Bored with the same exercises and equipment at the gym? How about you give the gym sessions a miss and try out fun workouts that will not only get your adrenaline pumping, but will also help you burn some serious calories while at it. These workouts are fun to do, whether you are doing them alone or with friends. So the next time you want to try out different  fitness routines , keep these in mind. Trampoline workouts They might seem like a fun-filled activity at the mall, but trampolines have moved beyond that and are now a part of fitness routines of those looking to lose weight. This rebounding exercise, where you jump up and down on a trampoline, is a great low-impact workout because it doesn't put much stress on your joints. A trampoline workout also strengthens your legs, glutes , and abdominal muscles. It is also a good oxygenating exercise that increases your capacity of breathing. It increases blood circulation, thus reducing pressure and inflammation of joints. ...

10 ways to lose weight by walking

When it comes to losing weight, we only think of rigorous workouts. But ever thought how wonderful it would be if you were able to lose weight by incorporating an activity we hominids have been doing since our evolution. Yes, we are talking about walking. So what are you waiting for? Burn calories with these low-impact techniques to whittle your waistline. 1. Rack up 15,000 steps each day  Be it through MapMyWalk or your fitness band, it's suggested to keep a track of the number of steps you walk per day. Walking 15,000 steps per day might sound arduous at first, but once you start working on it, it is very doable. Intensifying your walk will not even lead to sore muscles.  2. Walk thrice a day for 20 minutes each  Opt for three 20-minute walks instead of a long-stretch walk. In fact, walking 15-20 minutes after every meal helps in controlling blood sugar levels better than taking a long 45-minute walk once in a day. So why not make the most of your...

6 Bad Post-Workout Habits That Are Ruining Your Progress

You worked hard today. You’ve increased your reps, improved your speed, tried a new class, or nailed the progression on that yoga move that you have been working on. With all of the effort you’re spending at the gym, the last thing you want to do is immediately (and unintentionally) undo all of your hard work with some bad post-workout habits. Here are the post-gym mistakes to avoid so you can reach your personal fitness goals, whatever they may be. 1. Eating Too Much This sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s one of the most common mistakes around. After a grueling workout, you may feel like going home and devouring everything in your fridge. But chances are that what you’ve burned off at the gym is a lot less than you think. If fat loss or weight loss is your goal, you shouldn’t gorge on a meal immediately after working out. A  small post-workout meal  or a protein shake is all you need to give your muscles the fuel they need to recover. Try to wa...

Clean eating: the good, the bad and the unhelpful.

Clean eating: the good, the bad and the unhelpful Shar e The term "clean eating" has accumulated more than 30 million Instagram hashtags .   (Getty Images: GMVozd ) It's a lifestyle choice, not a diet, according to its loyal devotees. But what makes "clean eating" any different from other dietary regimes, and more importantly, is it any good for you? It's difficult to determine the potential benefits — and drawbacks — of the clean eating approach, since there has never been any agreement on what the term actually means. "There's no universal definition or understanding of clean eating … It's kind of a self-defined way of living," said nutritionist Rebecca Reynolds. The core principles of the movement align with standard nutritional advice: eliminate processed foods and refined sugar, stick to wholegrains , eat more fruits and vegetables, reduce salt intake, and cut back on alcohol. So far, so good. Except clea...

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Pineapple

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Pineapple Ah pineapples: The tropical, sweet fruit that tastes like summertime. Originating South America, the pineapple was used for medicinal purposes to treat digestive ailments and swelling. Since then, the prickly superfood has become popular all over the world, eaten fresh, cooked, juiced, or preserved and found in a wide array of cuisines. Here are 10 healthy reasons to enjoy pineapple that may surprise you. 1. One Serving Is All The Vitamin C You Need   Pineapple is a power-packed tropical fruit that boosts your energy levels via Vitamin C. Just one cup of fresh pineapple contains all the Vitamin C you need for the entire day. Instead of taking a Vitamin C supplement, just eat a daily serving of pineapple. 2. Full Of Essential Nutrients Aside from vitamin C, pineapple packs a serious nutrient punch, containing: thiamin riboflavin vitamin B-6 folate pantothenic acid magnesium ...